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In ‘Luggage’ Gordon Ridout plays the soldier who, flying home on leave from combat, struggles with the fear that there is a suicide bomber on the plane.
Running time about 10 minutes.
In ‘Flowering Cactus’ Deborah (Katerina Jugati) works for a pharmaceutical company and is sent to South America to investigate an easily grown local weed that makes everyone happy. She thinks this is her big chance, the problem is that she has to take the office drunk, Stuart Cole, along. It is Stuart who reveals the company’s sinister agenda. Running time about 25 minutes
In Anonymous, Gordon Ridout plays a man who is obsessed with Maria but thinks he is unworthy and cannot declare himself. But in the grip of his obession he finds a way of dealing with his rivals.
Running time bout 15 minutes.
Ingrid, played by Katerina Jugati, is a stewardess on a cut-
Set in the time of the 1914 Christmas Truce, the English and German troops chat, sing and have Christmas dinner together: but though this war might top for a day the war between officers and men never stops.
With some actor friends and a shed at the bottom of the garden we recorded these
playlets: they are in MP3 format. They load up quite quickly and I know they play
in Firefox. A good, free, player is VLC, downloadable from These
recordings are, of course, covered by copyright . If you wanted to do anything
with them other than personal viewing (one, for instance, has been staged) my e-